Sessions In The Akashic Records

Have you ever felt drawn to a time, place or culture without knowing why? Do you experience fears, dreams or connections that seem beyond this lifetime? A past life reading with Kai can offer insight into the echoes of your soul's journey. Kai will explore your past  incarnations to uncover lessons, karmic patterns, recurring themes and soul contracts that influence your present life. This reading can provide clarity, healing, and and empowerment, helping you align with your higher self and purpose. 

Channeled Messages 

Coming soon

Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing. I will work with them to help clear old wounds, release energetic blockages and bring clarity to your life lessons. Raphael assists with healing karmic imbalances ensuring that those lessons are learned without unnecessary suffering. This type of healing work can dissolve contracts, oaths or attachments that no longer serve your highest good. Healing at a soul level allows you to align more fully with your divine path and soul mission.

This reading encompasses your entire energy body. We will look at the most urgent areas of concern medically, emotionally and spiritually. We will touch on past life patterns and how they can currently effect you. Once we pinpoint the areas in question we will work on healing and removing karmic ties and ancestral traumas.

Unlock the wisdom of your soul. In this session with intuitive channeling , I will translate the messages from your records, this can be guidance that is enlightening and also deeply personal. This reading is perfect for those of you that are ready to receive higher wisdom, shift energetic patterns, and come into closer alignment with your higher-self and true path.